5 tips for using TikTok as a business

TikTok has earned its spot in the digital marketing world and it’s no secret that getting your brand involved has its benefits. For B2C companies, the use of this platform deems obvious, while B2B companies have to think outside of the social media box. The most important part is that you use TikTok in a genuine way while staying true to your brand.

Here are 5 tips for using TikTok as a business without making your audience cringe.

  1. Structure your profile - That means updating your profile picture, your bio, and uploading a minimum of nine videos that make it clear for new followers to understand who you are, what you do, and what they can expect to see from you on this platform. If you’re not able to create daily content for TikTok right away, that’s okay, start by posting videos with the most value and validate your brand’s reason for being on the platform.

  2. Define your strategy - Each social media platform has its own language. So where TikTok sits within your digital marketing strategy as a whole will ultimately define how you use this platform. Some people choose to dedicate their entire profile to a character, a topic, or a trend. Choose wisely, have fun with it, and remember - TikTok is a place people came to escape the illusion of perfection from Instagram. Defining the strategy of who your brand wants to be and how it wants to engage with its audience on TikTok will help determine everything else, including content curation, collaborations, influencer relationships, and paid advertising.

  3. Do content batching - You’ve heard me mention this before and it won’t be the last time either. Content batching is the only way you should be doing your content marketing and this applies to your TikTok strategy too. When you batch videos, you’ll have more time for community management; more time to engage with others on your ‘for you page’ (#fyp), more time to comment, repost, create duets, and catch up on what’s trending. I cannot stress it enough, content batching is an absolute must.

  4. Engage with other TikTokers - Community management is where the magic happens on TikTok; if you’re not engaging with others you’re missing the whole point. Allow duets on your videos and make your own duets with fellow creators. Have one look at the comment section on a viral TikTok to see the exposure potential. A recent comment I made on TikTok just surpassed 9k likes. A small percentage of those 9k people clicked through to my profile to see what I was about and/or gave me a follow - because that’s how it works. Social media is a two-way street, especially on TikTok, you have to engage in order to play.

  5. Pick trends that make sense - Using the right trend at the right time can make or break your engagement rate. Do not jump on an unrelated bandwagon unless you are confident it’s a PR win. Remember, customers know you’re here to sell, so you have to sell wisely. Organic TikTok isn’t for direct sales, it’s for showing personality, inspiration, helpful information, comedy, and genuine interaction between a brand and its customers - the sales are a byproduct of everything else. Pick trends that make sense for your business; whether it’s a sound, a dance, or a challenge, as long as it aligns with your brand persona and the topics you discuss, you’re free to have fun. Some TikTokers even suggest ignoring the trends completely - strategically, of course.

Need help with your digital marketing? Get in touch or email styledbygracieclemens@gmail.com.

Grace Clemens

A Digital Marketing Director with 13 years of experience, I specialise in strategy, data analysis, and communications.


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